Members Present: Emily S, Rebecca S, Emily R, Keith W, Bonny J, Andy S, Terri B, Jason T, Tracy R, Amy S
Emily - intentions as the Chair - focus for the day
- Put out the request for someone to come on board next year
- No ETUG Spring workshop (?) because of Festival of Learning - opportunity for a booth. If there is a spring workshop, BCcampus cannot support this year (due to festival)
Celebrating what we have done over the past year
25th Celebration - thanks to Emily R and everyone on the program committee
Car surprise was great!
Vendors were good
TRU folks were "a dream"
Acknowledge Hope and everyone who helps with the newsletter, institutional reports, member profiles
Keith for the 12 Apps (Thomas has had to step away so looking for someone to support Keith with 12 Apps)
Thanks Bonnie for the survey (and Clint and Troy)
Survey Results (Bonnie)
- Survey wasn't being provoked by a crisis, more of a check in (keep in mind when looking at results)
- Also feedback from focus groups, Bonnie has linked to the wiki
- Answers that arose: What kinds of activities the community likes? Who is ETUG, members, how to grow community? Educational technology landscape across BC is dynamic and where there is other areas of growth.
- Survey and focus groups say that ETUG is on the right track
- Emily S: value people place on peer connection, how do we enhance that? Supporting and showcasing technologies that people are using, innovative ways people are using technology. Best practices in an educational environment, sharing practices. Demographics - average age, what does that mean, how might we get more students involved. Diversity in SCETUG - how do we represent our community? Who are we as ETUG? What do we mean by grassroots, are we really grassroots?
- Bonny: Grassroots: what the community does for itself, not what others do for the community.
- Terri: people don't understand the relationship with BCcampus. Important to acknowledge the hardwork, but are heavily supported by BCcampus
- Wasn't part of the data: "What's your role in your institution"
- Emily S: Example of BCTLC survey going out through the institutions. Do we want to do a follow up survey with more targeted questions.
- Tracy: More important of what you do, not so much what you are.
- institutional gaps
- (Northern Lights, New Caledonia, Coast Mountain, Yukon College, Selkirk, College of the Rockies) CAP, KPU, Emily Carr, TRU, Fraser Valley, VIU, UVic
- no one from UVic, Emily Carr, etc.
- Who is important to have at this table to serve our community best
- Ask SCETUG to think about who we can approach to fill these gaps
- Terri: important to get smaller (isolated) institutions to make the connection to ETUG as a good network/support for them
- How can we connect with people are are "single person shops" and connect with them on a regular basis. Build stronger connections
Reminders to-dos
- ALL- to review SCETUG and Reps list and make recommendations for filling gaps - put on next SCETUG meeting agenda (Emily)
- Remind SCETUG that we will need a replacement for Terri after May (clarify term for Chairs as well) - put on next SCETUG meeting agenda (Emily)
Icebreaker: Exquisite Corpse (Led by Emily R)
Step 1: Purpose (Activity: 1-2-4-all)
Things that came up:
mitigating isolation
defined or undefined roles of what we do - job titles
inspiration - opportunity to be inspired about the work you do or how it can be a change making opportunity
opportunity to present at a conference (as a non-academic). Leadership opportunity being on SCETUG
Collaboration - promotes collaboration and networking (someone to call and ask). Community of people with same language, commonality
Have and the have-nots - smaller institutions seeing what larger institutions are doing
Sharing - openness
Create a purpose statement (8 words or less) - Emily: Where do we put this?
- ETUG exists to...
- Educational Technology Users Group is a community that exists to empower and inspire all who design, develop, and support learning experiences.
Step 2: Context (Activity: Conversation Cafe)
Guiding Q: What is happening around us right now that demands creative change?
Consider the field, current important topics, and ETUG’s stakeholders/audiences (25 PSIs, ETUG reps and SCETUG members, BCcampus, other bodies? etc…
Hierarchy and power in institutions. Request from admin, faculty is stressful. Not enough capacity to support directors and faculty, "taxed out"
Administrators making decisions re: policy, etc. without proper consultation of the people who are doing the work, how do we engage with them?
Who would be the future people coming to ETUG events - nice to do a focus group with them and know what their learning needs are, get them on the committee. What do future learners need? Succession planning.
Focus group with younger educational technologists. They are going to BCNet. Where are they going for inspiration, networking, empowerment?
Terri (idea): Invite a group of Directors to do a presentation at a conference. Collaboration potential.
Step 5: Ambition (Activity: 25/10)
Topics that emerged:
- Top: Offer an extremely innovative, incredibly well facilitated ONLINE event to show people what is possible
- Top: Hold focus group for young/new ETUG members around what they need from ETUG at workshops and events
- Top: Create a guide which summarizes the difficult tech out there/ Create a shared/collaborative portfolio of ed tech ideas and implementations
- Top: Host an online symposium focused on single current that gets participants to develop/grow something about their practice as they cycle through the experience
- Top: Rethink workshops: more frequent, accessible, exciting, online, impromtu, flexible, cheaper, learning experience
- Top: Work with open etc to develop an open site/repository for sharing "innovations," projects, best practices with the ETUG community
- Top: Recruit 20-30 somethings to be on SCETUG
- Top: Merge 'hot-topics' for conference themes and hold more per year. Ex. how can edtech pair with environmental movement? How does edtech support access, inclusivity, diversity?
- develop an open publishing platform/journal
- focus group with new (younger) members to see what they may want from ETUG membership
- Engage with and invite students to present at conference, leading to students on scetug, maybe student advisory committee, or mentorship program
- pick annual themes to focus on for all activities, eg. UDL, Indigenization
- reach out to BCNet to co-offer a conference
- Increase LT award @ conferences - new logo contest? With elevator pitch
- Start a BC-wide conversation on what a learning ech and instructional designer is
- Start a podcast
- Invite post-sec leaderships to an open forum with ETUG (At the festival) to talk about pan-institutional challenges around supports edtech initiatives around the province
- Host an sponsor a summit on EdTech within BC post-secondary landscape and invite AVPs and provost-level people to formal participants in sessions such as fishbowls, world cafe, etc. so communication of issue is two way.
Step 6: Action & Evaluation (Activity: Ecocycle brief + yearly planning)
To be mapped: ETUG Activities & Offerings
Fall event - 1 day, November - rigidity trap - needs to be re-thought. BLENDED CONFERENCE (mainland f2f, virtual for hard to get to)
Spring Event - 2 days, June (alternating years w/festival) - maturity
Webinar(s) (TELL) - stop doing
Newsletter - maturity
12 Apps of Christmas - creative destruction - this needs some change, maybe one a month in 2020
ETUG Website - creative destruction - could be more dynamic (idea of the repository)
Wiki - maturity
Slack - on way to maturity
Social Media (Twitter, Linked In) Activity - on way to maturity
Linked-In - on way to maturity
Recruit young - birth
Symposium Online - birth
Resource Guide - birth
Yearly Planning - All of SCETUG - 30 min
- Newsletter (see Newsletter sign up section)
- Async/Sync Learning Events:
- 12 apps "Appy New Year"
- make it similar 12 apps
- like Book Club - blended?
- Goes in newsletter
November 2019
- Nov. 1 - Online Symposium
December 2019
January 2020
- 12 Apps: "Appy New Year" launches (monthly)
February 2020
- Deadline to have essentials in place for Fall 2020 F2F (advertise at FoL)
- FoL - booth, advertising Fall 2020
- ETUG Fall F2F event (end of October, early November)
Plan annual calendar & sign up for roles (Working group)
Newsletter - Emily R and Emily S to assist Hope
- Deadline is second week of the month
- BCNet, OpenETC, BCTLC (institutional or organization)
- Reps for member profiles - Emily S will reach out to Reps and create profiles for Newsletter (based on normal MP interview questions)
- workshop announcements
- job postings
- blogging (re-posting blogs) around BC
- Interesting things to share
- Follow ups from events (ex. Keith writing up about UDL experience) - we will need to do one for the webinar!!
- Recruitment
Monthly Sign up for Newsletter
- Oct.
- Nov.
- Dec.
- Jan.
- Feb.
- Mar
- April
- May
12 Apps - Being re-configured to be spread out over the year
Website - Becca (to get info from BCcampus IT, beta site, themes, etc.), Keith, Jason
- tidy and re-org
- functionality
- themes
- more depth to static website
- Wiki - Emily R to continue to clean and organize (gardener)
- Slack community, additional CoP channels? SCETUG members to use more effectively
- Twitter and LinkedIn - Emily S. and Emily R. (consult with Emily R's social media strategist)
- Online symposiums ongoing
- E-portfolios, ETC confirmed
- Using ETUG's collaborate room
- Maximum 4 sessions
- Would like someone to monitor the chat (so the presenter does not need to monitor) - Bonnie (tech), Terri, Andy (host), Emily (MC)
- Post survey (google form, link needs to be in the chat)
- Twitter - Emily S
- Presentation schedule - Keith by beginning of next week
- Create Slide to start - Keith
- information about the interface (test audio, how to use breakout rooms
- Focus Group with younger people (use collaborate) -Keith leading (will need support from BCcampus re ethics, honorarium) - happening in March
Recruitment Strategy
- create a recruitment strategy for membership (diversity, youth, across BC) (Northern Lights, New Caledonia, Coast Mountain, Yukon College, Selkirk, College of the Rockies) - Emily R leading
- send out list of roles (newsletter editor, SCETUG meeting scribe, institutional reports, member profiles, Fall workshop volunteers)
Fall 2020 Workshop Event - Emily will set up a Slack channel - need volunteers
- F2F (and online?)
- Theme?
- Need people and an anchor to attract registrants
- Douglas College? CAP Lonsdale?
- Start planning now - need it planned by March, and can promote registration, CfP etc. at the FoL
SCETUG Business
Keith: Updates and reminders re
Slack communication - walk through notifications, etc. how to use
replaces email
suggest everyone change notifications to when your are notified
use @channel to notify people in channel
can throw in links
easy to add channels - can leave them open or invite people
Use Slack as a tool for micro learning events
Using the Wiki
The role of the website
Twitter and LinkedIn
Newsletter - helping Hope and tech help for Keith
Things to Do:
- continue conversation about recruitment strategy re: SCETUG and Reps - Keith and Emily R.
- continue conversation about 12 Apps (new year, weekly or monthly)
- Learning events: monthly event, alternating every two weeks with 12 Apps (ex. blog post) - Emily S and Keith leading (springboard for the online resource)
- Becca to find out from BCcampus re: website and get back to Jason and Keith with possibilities, create timeline for "new" website launch
- Becca to set up visual calendar of events (specifically around fall for Fall 2020 F2F event)
- Think about chair moving to a 2 year position from a 1 year position
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